Saturday, February 11, 2006


We all had to sit on Santa's lap Christmas Eve when he came to visit before making his run. Trent's picture well it says it all. He thought a cute little smile might avoid the coal that Santa had planned for him in his stocking. Needless to say the smile did not work he had coal for him in his bag.

Max was in complete heaven Christmas morning. He still talks about what Santa is going to bring him and is obsessed with saving every penny to buy himself more new toys. Everything in his mind revovles around how can I get more new toys, more money to buy them with and were is the candy stashed in the house.

Here we all are Christmas morning. I carefully stood behind everyone else as to only get a face shot and avoid having to look at my post pregnancy body for years to come in our family Christmas picture. My children thought I was the most evil person Christmas morning. We had church at 11:00 am and so I made everyone get ready before I would let them go downstairs and open presents. I knew once the presents came out no one would get dressed.

Santa looks a little off in this picture makes you wonder what he was up to before he came.
Here is miss Mika and all her booty Christmas morning.